Ultimate Journey

Led By: Various facilitators

At Boulder Valley, we believe in nurturing both spiritual and emotional maturity, as they go hand in hand. We want everyone to be discipled in a deep and transforming way and to grow mature in their faith. That's why we urge you to embark on this transformative 6-month discipleship journey. 

The Ultimate Journey has helped people:

  1. Trust God fully amidst the real, day-to-day situations of life 

  2. Discover and live in God’s peace

  3. Experience deep spiritual and emotional healing and transformation

  4. Unravel the profound truths of God's Covenant, discovering the provision and freedom God offers

We want everyone at Boulder Valley to go thru the Ultimate Journey and say, “Here I am! I want to grow, mature and become more healthy.”  Discipleship and spiritual transformation will bear much fruit if you’ll choose to invest.  We urge you to receive all that God has for you!

When: Wednesday Nights Starting September 6th
Location: Boulder Valley Christian Church
Time: 6:30-9pm
For More Information Contact: paul@bvchristian.org